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Why wont you wear your shoes, child?

So damn cute!

At least they make good toys.

Baby shoes. Pretty much the cutest things in the world. After babies (duh), puppies and babies with puppies. Then you have baby shoes. 

Austin has so many GORGEOUS baby shoes. Lots were gifts and some I got sucked in by the cuteness to buy. And he won't wear ANY of them. Not only that, he cries, REALLY cries. Why you cry child?

For all their cuteness there is an important fact that we haven't discussed yet – baby shoes are completely pointless. He doesn't even walk yet. Ahhh so much wasted cuteness.

At my recent birthday party (I turned 30, I am getting old), he wouldn’t wear his shoes so I sat them on the bar like a little artwork. They may as well have been art for the price they cost (don't tell hubby, whoopsie). Baby would NOT wear them. Trust me I tried.

Please admire the shoes above as there is no guarantee that I will ever be able to get them on his cute little tootsies (without tears and tantrums).