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What not to do at the zoo

Before Austin had his nap after 20 minutes. We timed this zoo trip VERY well. 

Here's a little list for you of what not to do when going to the zoo with bubs (compiled by me, master of whoops moments):

  • Decide on a whim half way through the day to take your family off to the zoo 
  • Just sit around relaxing after making this decision and wait until your baby wakes from his nap to begin packing and preparing to leave
  • When you get there, ignore that the carpark is so full that people have parked on the nature strip. This surely doesn’t mean anything, nothing to do with the zoo being REDIC busy on this glorious sun shining day
  • When you can’t find a carpark keep driving around and around and around and then end up parking over a kilometre away and then walk back to the zoo (no need to worry about time, next naps etc, all is going VERY WELL so far)
  • Rush out of the butterfly enclosure (the only thing really that interests a 10 month old) to get to the next exhibits
  • Worry that your baby is not interested in the elephants or giraffes and stares at the tree trunks instead
  • Leave your phone in the parents room. It's probably just a distraction anyway, so you know, best to just rid yourself of these modern day conveniences

What to do at the zoo

  • Just do the opposite of everything we did above and you will be seriously fine. Oh and do, do, do laze around and enjoy the sun while bubs sleeps after being there for 20 minutes. Yep, WHOOPS, what a disaster.